A good draw against the champions

In one of the scheduled friendlies, Belgrano faced Apertura champions Lanus earlier today. The teams never got going and the match ended in a goalless draw. Both Lanus and Belgrano played most of their main players. Although there were plenty of imprecisions and missed passes, each team managed to create a few scoring chances. Matias Suarez and Ezequiel Arriola were both denied by the Lanus keeper, while Sand and Acosta were very close to opening the score for the Apertura winners. Belgrano played their main squad including Matias Suarez, who originally wasn't going to take part due to a muscle strain.

Matias Suarez challenging for the ball
in yesterday's match against Lanus

It was a friendly for sure but it is certainly encouraging for us to snatch a draw against one of the best teams in Argentina. Meanwhile, Belgrano continue with their pre-season activity and will also face Huracan and Alvarado as part of their preparation. In other news, Belgrano are still looking into the possibility of signing a defensive midfielder to add some much-needed depth to the team.


Anonymous said...

hey man, I love your blog. Nice to know that you are back, let me know if you need some help to keep it up to date, I can maybe give oyu a hand.

Dr Leviathan said...

Hey Piratakiwi, how are u doing man? Thanks for dropping by the blog and leaving the comment. I have been thinking for a while to have some contributors to the blog; my brother used to help me for a while. I'll keep you posted anyway. I may also get in touch since I wanted to "interview" some of the pirates living abroad to tell experiences, how they feel about our team and what they miss the most. And for sure you are one of the most famous!

Keep in touch man.

Anonymous said...

emmm .. no se mucho ingls pero excelente el blog y gracias por hacer q belgrano se conosca en todo el mundo... algo logre entender de lo q lei

Dr Leviathan said...

Gracias por visitar y por el comentario. Me alegro que algo se entienda, lamentablemente los servicios de traduccion de Google y Babel dejan bastante que desear asi que solo los recomiendo para casos muy extremos. Desde luego que son bienvenidos todos los comments en castellano e ingles. Gracias de nuevo.