Gimnasia vs Belgrano - LIVE UPDATES
48': The referee blows for full time. Match ends 2-2.
47': Montoya (B) secures the ball after a desperate attempt.
47': Montoya (B) traps the ball in his hands after a cross.
45': Gimnasia 2 - Belgrano 2. 3 minutes of extra time.
45': Belgrano draw level again in the dying moments.
43': Belgrano can't find a way to the leveller.
42': Counterattack by Gimnasia is cleared.
41': Free kick blocked by Gimnasia wall.
40': Dangerous free kick to Belgrano.
39': Basualdo (G) replaces Alderete (G).
38': Gimnasia leads 2-1.
38': GOAL (G). Perguidi (G) after cross from Silva (G).
36': Montoya saves a shot by Silva (G).
34': Belgrano draw level. Gimnasia 1 - 1 Belgrano.
34': GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL!!!! Donnet (B).
33': Corner kick to Belgrano.
32': Montoya (B) holds a cross from Perguidi (G).
31': Rios (B) caught offside.
30': Suarez (B) replaces Maldonado (B).
30': Oyola (B) fouled by Cornejo (G).
28': Shot by Silva (G) blocked by Serrizuela (B).
28': Perguidi (G) replaces Leguizamon (G).
27': Maldonado (B) booked.
27': Rios (B) shoots at goal but Kletnicki controls easily.
26': Bolatti (B) misses a header and a great chance.
25': Maldonado (B) is fouled near the box. Cross to Belgrano (B).
24': Leguizamon (G) misses an easy chance.
22': Cornejo (G) replaces Dubarbier (G).
21': Donnet (B) booked.
19': Rios (B) forces Kletnicki (G) to rush for the ball.
16': Cross by Rios (B) controlled by Kletnicki (G).
16': Rios (B) replaces Cervera (B).
15': Delgado (B) misses a good opportunity.
13': Belgrano are stunned and looking badly.
11': Corner to Gimnasia cleared by Belgrano.
10': Montoya (B) saves twice from Leguizamon (G) and Dubarbier (G).
9': Gimnasia leads 1-0.
9': GOAL - Piatti (G). Neat shot hit the post and went in.
7': Corner kick to Gimnasia.
5': Slow start to the 2nd half. Both teams lack ideas.
3': Dubarbier (G) shoots wide after cross from the left.
0': 2nd half starts. Bustos (B) replaces Oses (B).
46': Maglio (ref) whistles for half time.
44': Both sides look for the goal.
43': Kletnicki (G) clears a cross from Serrizuela (B)
41': Oyola (B) is booked.
39': Donnet (B) shoots but Kletnicki controls well.
37': Kletnicki (G) saves from Donnet (B).
34': All Gimnasia efforts pass by Leguizamon (G)
31': Gimnasia getting closer to the goal. Missed shot on goal.
29': Serrizuela (B) misses out wide from long range.
27': Belgrano counterattack via Delgado (B) and Cervera (B).
20': Montoya (B) closes in on Silva (G) and clears.
15': Gimnasia has Belgrano in their back foot.
8': Gimnasia attempts are long-range shots.
5': Belgrano control the ball in the midfield.
0': 1st half starts.
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